Summer weather is finally here and it should be safe to plant all those vegetables and flowers. This past week eight ladies from the Wisconsin/Minnesota made their annual trip to Amil’s Inn to greenhouse (hop) at 21 possible Amish greenhouses. It is so much fun to greenhouse (hop) when there are 5 greenhouses on one road! Each Amish greenhouse has their specialty with many plants, vegetables, herbs, seeds, perennials, planters, hanging baskets, trees and so much more.
Amil’s Inn favorite greenhouse is M & M Greenhouse located at 27920 Newport Road, Cashton, WI 54619. The eight ladies favorite was Green Acres Greenhouse located at S1899 Sandhill Road, La Farge, WI 54639.
Stay at Amil’s Inn and take a day trip to find all those vegetable plants and beautiful flowers that your home needs. It is so much fun. Remember to pack light so you have room for all the plants that you will be taking back to your home.
We have the 2014 Amish Greenhouse map ready for you to plan your day’s travel. It is still not too late to plan your 2014 visit to an Amish greenhouse since they will have plants until they are all sold out. Selection may be limited but you will still get quality bedding plants at a good price. Remember they are always closed on Sunday.
Hope to see you soon.